Dengue fever has once again raised its head in Pakistan, hundreds of cases of dengue have been reported across the country, most of which are found in Punjab. It is necessary to take precautions. In view of these circumstances, we contacted Dr. Habib Rana, Head of Thalassemia Center Punjab and got information about dengue fever, who is a Nazar reader.
What is dengue fever and why does it happen?
In response to this question, he said that dengue fever is apparently a minor but serious fever that takes a dangerous situation in a few days and can cause death. Dengue is usually the target of people who have weak immunity. Dengue is caused by the bite of a specific female mosquito, Aedes Aegypti.
What are the initial and severe symptoms of dengue fever?
He said that "There are four types of dengue fever, but the symptoms of one of the four types appear in the patient and immediately consult a doctor as soon as they appear." It can lead to a reduction in the severity of the disease. In addition, he said, "The initial symptoms of dengue are high fever, severe pain and weakness in the body, pain in the legs and joints, headache, change in the taste of the mouth." These include reddening of the face or pinkness of certain parts of the body and chills.
In this, the patient's joint and muscle pain becomes so severe that he feels his bones breaking, that's why it is also called "breakbone fever".
Why are platelets reduced in dengue fever?
In response to this question, he said that "platelets are often reduced when sick. Generally, the number of platelets in a person is 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of blood. .
In seasonal fever, it may decrease to 90,000 to 100,000, while in the case of dengue virus, the platelets decrease to around 20,000 or even less, which makes the patient's condition critical.
What are the preventive measures to prevent dengue? He said about this, "There is no doubt that it is possible to avoid this disease only through precautions."
Dengue mosquitoes like to live in clean water and are more likely to appear at sunrise and sunset, so cover all food and drink items in the house, even drinking water containers in the house to prevent dengue mosquito attacks. To avoid it, the most important thing is to stop its breeding, for this it is necessary to take special care of cleanliness in the houses, the nearby pits should be completely broken so that water does not accumulate in them. .
The tanks used in the houses should be cleaned thoroughly and care should be taken to clean the water storage vessels in the morning and evening, besides not allowing water to collect in the pots and spraying the plants with mosquito repellents. Do it regularly. In addition, he said, "Patients affected by dengue should consult a doctor immediately. Take special care of your diet."
Eat things that increase your platelets. Drinking papaya leaf juice is also helpful. Drinking warm water with honey three times a day is also helpful. In case of minor symptoms, painkillers alone are also helpful. Moreover, aspirin should definitely not be used in case of this disease because it increases the chances of bleeding.
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