These days, the dengue disease is spreading its claws once again in Pakistan. Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and other provinces, especially the big cities of Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Karachi are under its grip and the disease is increasing day by day. Unfortunately, this is due to lack of proper awareness and preventive measures and the common disease turns deadly and dangerous.
Actually, dengue is an infection caused by a specific virus. This disease is spread by the bite of a specific female mosquito whose legs are slightly longer than normal mosquitoes. By biting an infected person, the virus can be transmitted to this mosquito. And then if this mosquito bites another person, the virus is transmitted to him.
Dengue fever is usually more common in people with weakened immune systems.
Four different types of viruses cause dengue fever in humans. One type of virus can attack only once. The second time dengue fever can be caused by another type of virus and thus any person can be infected more than once in a lifetime. This disorder can occur more than four times. Another name of dengue fever is Break Bone Fever. It is given this name because during this fever there is such severe pain in the bones and muscles that the bones It feels brittle and this stage is painful.
This disease is found in hot and sub-tropical regions and more than 10 million people worldwide are affected by it every year. However, with timely treatment, the rate of recovery from this disease is very high and 99% of patients are completely cured of it. But they recover. That is, in less than one percent of people, it takes a fatal form. Unlike other mosquitoes, the mosquito that causes dengue fever likes cleanliness. It blooms almost all year round in the vicinity of tanks, containers filled with clean water, plant pots, baths and clean rainwater.
However, it breeds rapidly during the rainy season. Usually these mosquitoes attack at sunrise and sunset, but this is not necessary because mosquitoes can bite at any time of the day. Only one bite of an infected mosquito. By biting, this disease is transmitted to humans. Here it is also important to understand that this disease is not directly transmitted from one person to another person (person to person), but only the specific mosquito causes its death.
Therefore, it is important to control the mosquitoes instead of isolating the dengue infected patient. Sometimes the patient is isolated for the same reason that the mosquito bites the infected person and does not cause further spread of the disease.
Symptoms of dengue may appear within two to seven days of being bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. These symptoms include high fever, chills, severe body aches and weakness, severe pain in the legs and joints during the illness, headache. Pain and especially severe pain behind the eyes and bitter taste in the mouth etc.
These symptoms of dengue fever disappear after two to four days. The patient sweats profusely and begins to feel normal, but this state of improvement lasts for about a day, after which the fever rises again rapidly and Along with this, fine rashes appear on the body. This time the face remains safe, but the palms and gums become swollen and red.
Prevention is definitely better than cure and preventing and preventing the spread of dengue fever is only possible if we stop the specific mosquito from breeding. Arrangements should be made to remove stagnant water. Mosquito nets should be used, water in pots should be changed daily.
If the symptoms of dengue appear, a qualified physician should be contacted immediately. If we take care of the cleanliness of the environment around us, we can avoid not only dengue fever but also many other diseases. God willing, if dengue fever occurs. If the diagnosis is made, instead of panicking, appropriate and timely treatment should be taken with caution and preventive measures. In this way, we can easily fight this disease.
People should be careful about their scale because only caution can be useful in preventing this disease. Do not allow stagnant water to collect in the house, do not go near plants and grass, use mosquito repellent spray in the house and eat food. Cover drinking water, small precautions can prevent serious and deadly diseases like dengue.
The mosquitoes that cause dengue fever are scavengers.
These dangerous mosquitoes do not like to live in dirty water, but clean rainwater, around domestic water tanks, in containers filled with clean water and in vases, pots, etc., which are usually kept in homes for decoration. However. In cold weather, their breeding stops, the female mosquito that causes the dengue virus needs protein to lay its eggs, the female mosquito searches for protein 25 to 30 kilometers away from the egg site, pets, It obtains its food and protein by biting animals in buffalo enclosures, however, if animals are not found, the female mosquito bites humans, then it pierces the area with its sting for 8 to 10 seconds, and during this time, the germs It is transmitted from mosquito to human.
Readers! Due to the monsoon season and the recent devastating floods in the country, there is a possibility of a large increase in dengue. In addition, the federal and provincial governments, local administrations have poor planning and inadequate sanitation management.These may be the reason for the increase in the current wave of this disease, but with government attention, effective strategies and comprehensive planning, we can be protected from this deadly disease.
Health Tips